God could not everywhere and therefore he made mothers.
This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask's the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,World will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.
Oh, I'll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it's got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,Too frail to wake this time.
Oh I'll break them down, no mercy shownHeaven knows,
it's got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.
Ian Curtis (1956-1980) Vocal.
★Joy Division created the song, with lyrics written by Ian Curtis.
There are two recorded versions of the song by Joy Division.
The first available on the Still album is from their final concert at High Hall,
Birmingham University on May 2, 1980, sixteen days before Curtis' suicide.
The second, available on the Heart and Soul four-disc box set is from a rehearsal
tape made in April/May 1980.
In both recordings, the vocals are only partially audible.